Call asynchronous function


I have the function:

const sendSMS = () => {
    return async (dispatch, getState, api) => {
        dispatch({ type: SEND_CODE });
        const { phoneNumber } = getState().AuthReducer;
        try {
            const response = await api({ noAuth: true }).post('communication/sms_token', { mobile_phone: phoneNumber });
            dispatch({ type: SENT_SUCCESS });
        catch (err) {
            dispatch({ type: SENT_ERROR, payload: 'Erro ao enviar SMS, tente novamente' });

I want to call this function inside the register function:

export const register = () => {
    return async (dispatch, getState, api) => {
        dispatch({ type: REGISTER });

        const { phoneNumber, countryCode } = getState().AuthReducer;
        const { fullName, email, birthdate, gender, city } = getState().UserReducer;
        const { mac } = getState().SystemReducer;
        const token = generateToken();
        const date = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

        const accountObj = {
            user: {
                nome: fullName,
                email: email,
                ddi: countryCode,
                ddd: phoneNumber.slice(0, 2),
                celular: phoneNumber,
                sexo: gender,
                nascimento: moment(birthdate).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
                cidade: city,
                local: 59,
                token: token,
                ultima_mensagem: date,
                ultima_mensagem_ios: date,
                ultima_mensagem_android: date,
                email_novidades: 0
            device: {
                platform: Platform.OS,
                mac: mac,
                data: date

        try {
            const response = await api({ noAuth: true }).post('users', accountObj);
            dispatch({ type: REGISTER_FINISH });
            dispatch({ type: SYSTEM_CHANGE_ID, payload: });
            dispatch({ type: USER_CHANGE_ID, payload: });
            await sendSMS();
        catch (err) {
            dispatch({ type: REGISTER_ERROR });

The sendSMS function is never called even though the register function does not fall into catch. No error occurs during runtime, it is as if the function was never called.

asked by anonymous 10.07.2018 / 15:25

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