I started in a Django project that already had Django Celery Beat and some records of some Task's in their tables:
- django_celery_beat_crontabschedule
- django_celery_beat_intervalschedule
- django_celery_beat_periodictask
- django_celery_beat_periodictasks
I'm new to Celery and recently I created a Task:
# Task
def exemplo_task():
# ...
And I logged into Settings.py:
# Settings
# Outros apps...
# Outros apps...
# ...
'exemplo-task': {
'task': 'exemplo.tasks.exemplo_task',
'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour=0),
'queue': 'beat'
# ...
Follow my Pip:
# Pip list
# ...
celery 4.1.1
django-celery-beat 1.0.1
# ...
My doubt is, I have no idea how I can register in my celery beat tables my task, rodei migrate, I researched and did not find anything that worked, how I can register it in my database so I can access the Tasks on my Django Admin page? Or would I have to manually register in the admin, even though I already configured the task in the code? That would be my question.