How to query with filter in Firebase?


I'm starting in Firebase and would like to know how to query with filter, example:

Select, only people who live in Porto Alegre.

Today, what I have is a DB structure.

I have 4 tables, street, neighborhood, city and state. The first one I posted is the table is state, the other is street / street.

asked by anonymous 19.07.2016 / 20:23

2 answers


Firebase uses a JSON-tree structure, in your case, you could create a 'child' called people, listing all the people on your system. Each person would be a knot with children content their characteristics.

           -nome:"USER 1"
           -nome:"USER 2"
           -nome:"USER 3"

In your search, you can use "equalTo ()" and filter for the specific "child", in which case you could fetch all people with the child "UF" equalTo () 'RS' / p>


03.02.2017 / 11:30

Firebase NOT works as a SQL Database Manager System. One of the main differences is that Firebase focuses on distributing direct data rather than on where ) and putting together join data. This means that if you are careful enough to learn how Firebase works and model your data following Firebase logic, you do not need a dedicated queries server because they are done right in the client device.

For more information, watch David East's playlist on Firebase Database for SQL Developers , available at link .

01.12.2016 / 04:39