I'm developing an application with angular
and a api rest
in PHP. I am doing a very simple CRUD, just to learn.
My problem is when I perform an insert / delete and soon afterwards I will retrieve a get with all the information. I have Category management, when I save this category via API it does not appear in my list of categories, it appears when I delete it, it is not excluded from my list of categories. but I'm using postman to be able to keep up with all those requests and they're made of facts.
I do not know, there seems to be something that prevents me from retrieving the updated list.
Example: I have 10 categories so I delete one and still continue displaying 10, even though I am accessing my api to retrieve the data again. If I reload after about 30 seconds the other category appears
Source code: category-list.component.list // The component that is used to view and delete
ngOnInit() {
excluir(desc, id) {
if (confirm("Deseja excluir a categoria " + desc + " ?")) {
let index = this.getIndex(id);
if (index == -1)
alert('Não foi encontrado o index do código D:');
else {
let result = this.categoriaService.delete(id).
subscribe(dados => { this.getList() },
(error: any) => alert('erro'));
//this.items = this.items.splice(index, 1);
this.items = this.items.filter(item => item.id != id);
getIndex(id) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++)
if (this.items[i].id == id)
return i;
return -1;
getList(page: number = 1) {
this.categoriaService.get(page, this.pesquisarValue)
.subscribe(dados => { console.log(dados); this.exibeLista(dados) }, (error: any) => console.log(error));
exibeLista(dados) {
console.log('Total de Itens: ' + dados.result.count);
this.items = null;
if (dados.result.count == 0) // Quantidade de itens retornados da consulta
this.pages = null;
else {
if (dados.result.paginas == 0) // Quantidade de paginas
this.pages = null;
else {
this.totalPages = dados.result.paginas;
this.items = dados.result.item;
console.log("Quantidade: " + dados.result.count);
insert(ObjJson) {
/*console.log("Objeto");console.log(ObjJson);console.log("Caminho :"+Auth.url + this.nameClass);console.log("Token :"+Auth.token);*/
if (ObjJson.id == null)
return this.http.post(Auth.url + this.nameClass, ObjJson, { headers: { 'token': Auth.token } });
return this.http.put(Auth.url + this.nameClass + "/" + ObjJson.id, ObjJson, { headers: { 'token': Auth.token } });
get(page, descricao) {
return this.http.get(Auth.url + this.nameClass + '?page=${page}&desc=${descricao}', { headers: { 'token': Auth.token } })
.pipe(map(response => { return response })) // or try 'response.json()' instead of 'response'
delete(id) {
console.log(Auth.url + this.nameClass + "/" + id);
return this.http
.delete(Auth.url + this.nameClass + "/" + id, { headers: { 'token': Auth.token } });