Error creating dynamic form with thymeleaf


The form receives a list and creates fields to be filled

<form action="#" th:object="${questoes}" method="POST" th:action="@{/testar}">
            <div class="form-group" th:each="item, questao : ${questoes}">
                <input type="hidden" th:value="${}" th:field="*{questoes[__${questao.index}__].id}" />
                <input class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{questoes[__${questao.index}__].resposta}" />
            <button type="submit">s</button>

But it produces the result:


org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid   property 'questoes [0]' of bean class [java.util.ArrayList]: Bean   property 'questoes [0]' is not readable or has an invalid getter   method: Returns the type of the getter match the parameter type of   the setter?

asked by anonymous 27.07.2018 / 02:26

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