How to receive a data parameter WebAPI


I get an xml in my webAPI and deserializo it.

What I did, I got the exact template of the XML that I'm going to receive and I make a call on my service locally, just for the test effect. So long, I can get the fields I need. However, when I publish, in the documentation of who is going to send me, they inform that they will pass this same XML, but within a data parameter. I would like to know how to prepare my url to understand and capture the xml with this parameter. Until then, I make the request, sending via body, but I do not use it.

It will probably come with date = xml with content.

namespace WsCliMotoristas.Controllers
    public class XmlController : ApiController
        public void Post(HttpRequestMessage xml)
            string idumov, identificadoralternativo;
            idumov = "";
            identificadoralternativo = "";

                string body = xml.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                var Schedules = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse(body);

                foreach (var elementos in Schedules.Root.Elements())
                    if (elementos.Name == "alternativeIdentifier")
                         identificadoralternativo = elementos.Value;


                    foreach (var historicos in elementos.Elements())
                        if (historicos.Name == "activityHistory")
                            idumov = historicos.FirstAttribute.Value;



                GetEntrega entrega = new GetEntrega();


            catch (Exception ex)


asked by anonymous 31.07.2018 / 15:10

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