I have a script in Python divided into functions and need to access a variable from a function in another example function:
import glob, os, time, datetime, sys, platform
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
os.chdir = 'C:\Zabbix\Temp'
#Pegar SO e retorna os valores de acordo com a plataforma: 0 - Linux; 1 - Windows; 2 - ERROR
def getOperationSystem():
OpSys = platform.system()
if OpSys == 'Windows':
elif OpSys == 'Linux':
print('Sistema Operacional desconhecido')
#Pegar os parametros no arquivo Parameters
def getParameters(dirBkp):
with open(dirBkp, "r") as arq:
for linha in arq:
global values
values = linha.split(';')
return getTasks(values[2])
#Valida se o processo do backup está em execução: 0 - Sim; 1 - Não
def getTasks(name):
read_process = os.popen('tasklist /v').read().strip().split('\n')
for i in range(len(read_process)):
process = read_process[i]
if name in read_process[i]:
return 0
#Valor tempo do ultimo arquivo
def getTimeArq(values):
bkp_name = values[2]
print("Nome do Bkp:\t\t\t", bkp_name)
bkp_name = bkp_name+"*.log"
log = glob.glob(bkp_name)
log.sort(key=os.path.getctime, reverse=True)
print (log[0])
In this case, getParameters
, has a variable that should be used in 3 or more functions of 20 (there is in script )
It loads several values where each function pulls a value, when trying to use it in getTimeArq
it returned me this: