Pass value from a VueJs component to a specific component in the Laravel blade, having more than one of the same component of the screen


Talk to me, I have a tremendous doubt.

I have in my blade in Laravel the contents of components that I created, like this:

//um select personalizado
//tabela com categorias
<data-table-component :id="tabelacateg" ></data-table-component>
//tabela com produtos
<data-table-component :id="tabelaprod" ></data-table-component>

I'm using the same component for different content, passed via props.

The difficulty I am facing is to pass a value from <select-component> to only "tabelacateg".

I was able to send it like this:

export const serverBus = new Vue();

import { serverBus } from '../app'
created() {
serverBus.$on('populateComponent', (val) => {
this.dataTable = val;

import { serverBus } from '../app'
//ao alterar o valor do select em faço essa chamada:
serverBus.$emit('populateComponent', sel);

The problem is that when I send $emit('populateComponent') updating the contents of the two components on the page, and I wanted it to change the values of the specific component only, in this case the tabelacateg.

How do I do this? Or will I have to create another component to address this problem?

asked by anonymous 31.07.2018 / 22:09

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