Well I have a product and I have an image being recorded locally.
I need the backend when the product is deleted the local image is deleted.
When I delete it, it deletes the data from the database, deletes the image information in the database, but does not delete the local image.
What would be the best way to do it?
My route:
Route::get('/{id}/destroy',['as'=>'products.destroy', 'uses'=>'AdminProductsController@destroy']);
My function to delete the product:
public function destroy($id)
return redirect()->route('products');
Function to remove image in image view
public function destroyImage(ProductImage $productImage, $id)
$image = $productImage->find($id);
if(file_exists(public_path() .'/uploads/'.$image->id.'.'.$image->extension)) {
Storage::disk('public_local')->delete($image->id . '.' . $image->extension);
$product = $image->product;
return redirect()->route('products.images', ['id'=>$product->id]);