I'm trying to figure out what happens after the click of a submit button on one page, to do exactly the same thing on another. On the page I am looking at and the code is written this:
<button onclick= function (ev) {
ev = ev || window.event;
r = Nwa_SubmitForm("forme1c43235_weblogin","ID_forme1c43235_weblogin_submit");
ev.returnValue = r;
return r;
}>Click me</button>
It seems that it is calling the function Nwa_SubmitForm, passing as parameter the form id and another parameter that I do not know what it is. The "ev" that the function receives as parameter is the button click (the event)?
I know the question is a bit vague. But could someone try to start helping me understand what this code is doing? Or where can I start trying to understand? Obriagda