I am having a question in VBA - MS EXCEL 2016
I need to create a macro that when I trigger it, it searches for an image.png on my computer and inserts it on the worksheet with the gradual effect of Fade-in. After that, the image should appear for 3 seconds and the effect of "Delete" should occur in order to avoid disturbing the editing of the worksheet.
I have tried several macro methods for this solution, and something is always wrong.
Could you guys please help me with the encoding?
Thank you!
NOTE: The code I was using was:
Sub Imagem_na_Planilha()
Dim Plan As Worksheet, Imagem As Shape
Dim Clear As Double
Set Plan = ActiveSheet
Set Imagem = Plan.Shapes.AddPicture("C:\Downloads\gg.PNG", msoFalse, msoCTrue, 50, 100, 170, 70)
End Sub