In PHP I made a script that takes every word of a tring and transforms them into an array, giving explode in the empty spaces. Then it deletes the repeated words and shows each of them, like this:
$hashtag = "#caio #azul #caio #azul #leão #orelha #caio #caio #caio";
$hashtagArray = explode(" ", $hashtag);
// exclui elementos vazios
$hashtagArray = array_filter($hashtagArray);
// exclui elementos iguais
$hashtagArray = array_unique($hashtagArray);
// reseta as chaves
$hashtagArray = array_values($hashtagArray);
// cria uma array
$hashtagArrayDuplica = array();
foreach ($hashtagArray as &$value) {
// repito a checagem, para evitar erros
if (!in_array($value, $hashtagArrayDuplica)) {
$hashtagArrayDuplica[] = $value;
echo $value."<br>";
The result is this:
What appears to be right. But incredibly on the client server, this application keeps showing repeated items, practically disregards my code, I do not know if it's the PHP version, or any other reason (I can not see the script running there, I only get print screen) .. . What can it be? Can there be any special characters? Is there another way to do this check to see if its server works?
PS: Notice that in my code I try to check 2 times if it has something repeated, it was an attempt not to give the client error, but without success.