I have a simple table with 3 fields. One of them is anot_status
and I would like to filter only the records that have 0 in that field.
I'm doing this filter manually, like this:
// Abrir o banco para leitura
var tTrn = oDB.transaction(['rmt_anotacoes'], 'readonly');
// Abrir a tabela que será utilizada
var oStr = tTrn.objectStore('rmt_anotacoes');
oStr.openCursor().onsuccess = function(evt){
var cCur = evt.target.result;
// Filtrar o status que estiver zerado
if (cCur && cCur.value.anot_status == 0){
// Código....
It's working, but I was not able to implement a filter in this field so I did not have to read all the records. How do I make this filter?