I can not access a class in another script in UNITY 2D


Hi, I'm having trouble calling PlayerBase and playerBase in another script

This is the error that gives: Assets / Scripts / MainMenu / SelectScreenManager.cs (112,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PlayerBase' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Script that has class PlayerBase

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

    public class CharacterManager : MonoBehaviour

        public int numberOfUsers;
        public List<PlayerBase>players = new List<PlayerBase>();// Lista com todos os players e tipos de player

        //Uma lista que contem tudo que a gente precisa sobre cada personagem separado,
        //Por agora, contem id e seu correspondende prefab
        public List<CharacterBase> characterList = new List<CharacterBase>();

        //Nos usamos essa funcao pra encontrar os personagens pelo id deles
        public CharacterBase returnCharacterWithID(string id)
            CharacterBase retVal = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < characterList.Count; i++)
                if (string.Equals(characterList[i].charId,id))
                    retVal = characterList[i];

            return retVal;

        //Nos usamos esse aqui pra retorna o player pelo personagem criado, states
        public PlayerBase returnPlayerFromStates(StateManager states)
            PlayerBase retVal = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
            if (players[i].playerStates == states)
                    retVal = players[i];
            return retVal;

        public static CharacterManager instace;
        public static CharacterManager GetInstance()
            return instace;

        void Awake()
            instace = this;

        public class CharacterBase
            public string charId;
            public GameObject prefab;

    public class PlayerBase
        public string playerId;
        public string inputId;
        public PlayerType playerType;
        public bool hasCharacter;
        public GameObject playerPrefab;
        public StateManager playerStates;
        public int score;

        public enum PlayerType

Script giving error

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class SelectScreenManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public int numberOfPlayers = 1;
    public List<PlayerInterfaces> plInterfaces = new List<PlayerInterfaces>();
    public PotraitInfo[] potraitPrefabs;//Todas as entradas do potrait
    public int maxX;//Quantos potraits a gente no X e no Y
    public int maxY;
    PotraitInfo[,] charGrid;//A grid que faz pra selecao entre eles

    public GameObject potraitCanvas;// As canvas que conte todos os potrait

    bool loadLevel; //Se esta carregando o level
    public bool bothPlayersSelected;

    CharacterManager charManager;

    #region Singleton
    public static SelectScreenManager instace;
    public static SelectScreenManager GetInstance()
        return instace;
    void Awake()
        instace = this;

	void Start () {

        //Inicia pegando as referencias do character manager
        charManager = CharacterManager.GetInstance();
        numberOfPlayers = charManager.numberOfUsers;

        //E criamos o grid
        charGrid = new PotraitInfo[maxX, maxY];

        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;

        potraitPrefabs = potraitCanvas.GetComponentsInChildren<PotraitInfo>();

        //Assim pegamos todos os potraits
        for (int i = 0; i < potraitPrefabs.Length; i++ )
            //E assim pegamos o grid position de cada potrait
            potraitPrefabs[i].posX += x;
            potraitPrefabs[i].posY += y;

            charGrid[x, y] = potraitPrefabs[i];

            if(x < maxX -1)
                x = 0;
	private void Update()
            for (int i = 0; i < plInterfaces.Count; i++)
                        plInterfaces[i].playerBase = charManager.players[i];


    public class PlayerInterfaces
        public PotraitInfo activePotrait;// A corrent que ativa potrait pro player 1
        public PotraitInfo previewPotrait;
        public GameObject selector;//Que seleciona o indicador do player 1
        public Transform charVisPos;//Vizualiza a posicao do player 1
        public GameObject createdCharacter;// Cria o personagem do player 1

        public int activeX;//Ativa o X e o Y pro player 1
        public int activeY;

        //Algumas variaveis pro alguns inputs
        public bool hitInputOnce;
        public float timerToReset;

        public PlayerBase playerBase;
asked by anonymous 15.08.2018 / 00:58

1 answer


Guilherme, good morning,

I had several similar issues resolved with deleting the precompile and post compilation files in the project folder and close the IDE. So you force it to re-create the assembly list and can fix the problem.

Good luck

13.09.2018 / 17:13