Error 400 mailchimp using script from Google Scripts


Hello, I'm trying to make a POST request through the Google Scripts script to register members in the mailchimp through the API.

var payloadMail = {
  "email_address" : "[email protected]",
  "status" : "subscribed",

var headersMail = {'Authorization': 'apikey ******', "content-type" : "application/json"};

var optionsMail = {
  "method" : "post",
  "data" : payloadMail,
  "headers" : headersMail,

var respMail = UrlFetchApp.fetch("******/members" , optionsMail);

I'm sending so, however, it gives this error:

When I make the same request for postman, it works.

asked by anonymous 10.08.2018 / 23:20

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