Join with three tables Laravel QueryBuilder


I'm trying to do a join with three tables

I have a table with county code, a table with the name of the county and a table with the names of the states

I need to get the name of the municipality of one table and the name of the state in another

I'm using Query builder Laravel

I've tried it like this:

$carga_horaria = DB::table('estudantes_carga_horaria')
->leftJoin('escolas_ano_ciclo', '', '=', 'estudantes_carga_horaria.etapa_ensino_id')
->leftJoin('escolas_identificacao', '', '=', 'estudantes_carga_horaria.escolas_identificacao_id')

->leftJoin('diversos_municipios', function($join)
    $join->on('',    '=', 'escolas_identificacao.diversos_municipios_id');                           
    $join->on('diversos_municipios.uf_id', '=', '');


    'escolas_identificacao.nome AS nome_escola',
    'diversos_municipios.nome AS nome_municipio',
->where('estudantes_identificacao_id', $estudante_id)

It gives error that does not exist

asked by anonymous 18.08.2018 / 20:14

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