Angular - Take data from an json object and put it on a table along with another object

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me, today I have a table that receives data from a component (Media), I have another component that is playlists, in the playlists I associate the media with a playlist.

In the stocking table, I wanted to can show in a column the amount of playlists that media has. But unfortunately I do not understand how to do it, I already pulled the data from the playlists to make the association.


public tableData: MediaModel[] = [];
public tableDataPl: PlaylistModel[] = [];

public data2Render: MediaModel[] = [];
public data2RenderPl: PlaylistModel[] = [];

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes['tableData']) {
        if (!changes['tableData'].firstChange) {
            this.dtElement.dtInstance.then((dtInstance: DataTables.Api) => {
                this.data2Render = changes['tableData'].currentValue;

    if (changes['tableDataPl']) {
        if (!changes['tableDataPl'].firstChange) {                          
            console.log( => x.itens));                



                <td>Nome da Mídia</td>
                <td>Tipo de Mídia</td>
                <td>PlayList Quantidade</td>
            <tr *ngFor="let media of data2Render; let i = index">
                <td>{{ media.filename }}</td>
                <td>{{ getMediaType(media.file_type) }}</td>
asked by anonymous 18.08.2018 / 00:30

1 answer


I believe that by creating a grouping function you can solve your problem.


var list = [
    {name: "1", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"},
    {name: "2", lastname: "foo", age: "13"},
    {name: "3", lastname: "foo1", age: "11"},
    {name: "4", lastname: "foo", age: "11"},
    {name: "5", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"},
    {name: "6", lastname: "foo", age: "16"},
    {name: "7", lastname: "foo1", age: "13"},
    {name: "8", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"},
    {name: "9", lastname: "foo", age: "13"},
    {name: "0", lastname: "foo", age: "16"}

Expected result grouped by lastname:

var result = [
        {name: "1", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"},
        {name: "5", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"}, 
        {name: "8", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"}
        {name: "2", lastname: "foo", age: "13"},
        {name: "9", lastname: "foo", age: "13"}
        {name: "3", lastname: "foo1", age: "11"}
        {name: "4", lastname: "foo", age: "11"}
        {name: "6", lastname: "foo", age: "16"},
        {name: "0", lastname: "foo", age: "16"}
        {name: "7", lastname: "foo1", age: "13"}

This is a possible solution:

function groupBy( array , f )
  var groups = {};
  array.forEach( function( o )
    var group = JSON.stringify( f(o) );
    groups[group] = groups[group] || [];
    groups[group].push( o );  
  return Object.keys(groups).map( function( group )
    return groups[group]; 

var result = groupBy(list, function(item)
  return [item.lastname, item.age];

In this case you are grouping and simply display the length of the array, but you can adjust to perform a sum on a new attribute, "totalPlaylists" for example, and only display directly on the screen.

18.08.2018 / 18:17