I would like you to stand side by side. Every time the client uploads the contract, it stays horizontal. I would like to stay upright.
if (json.code == 1) {
$(json.data).each(function () {
txt += '<div class="center" id="link-Contrato">'
txt += '<a class="link-pop-up red" href="#" data-url="' + this.urlcontrato + '" data-width="10px"><i style="font-size: 24pt;" class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i></a><br>';
txt += ' <span><a class="link-pop-up" target="_blank" href="' + this.urlcontrato + '">Contrato</a></span><br><br>'
txt += ' <span><strong>' + this.tipo_contrato + '</strong></span><br>'
if (this.detalhamento == "") {
txt += ''
} else {
txt += ' <span><strong>' + this.detalhamento + '</strong></span><br>'
txt += ' <span><strong>' + this.data_upload + '</strong></span><br>'
txt += '</div></div><br>'
} else {
txt += '<span>Nenhum histórico encontrado.</span>';