Get greater value in select sql in a grouping, using count



I'm doing a query to return the number of events performed by states. I am adding the events by adding the state table through the inner join and grouping by state. The data is returned, I know which state has the most event number, but since I want the state that made the most event, I can not.

Querying without max:

select count(et.sql_et_descricao_evento) as quantidade, e.sql_es_nome_estado as estado 
from sql_eventos_turisticos as et 
inner join sql_estado as e on (e.sql_es_cod_estado = et.sql_et_cod_estado) 
group by e.sql_es_nome_estado;

select count(et.sql_et_descricao_evento) as quantidade, e.sql_es_nome_estado as estado 
from sql_eventos_turisticos as et 
inner join sql_estado as e on (e.sql_es_cod_estado = et.sql_et_cod_estado) 
group by e.sql_es_nome_estado having max(quantidade);

How do I do this?

asked by anonymous 16.08.2018 / 02:37

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