Compare and print comma-separated data


I can not seem to make the comparison with the data in the notebook. This data is entered all inline and separated by; In short, enter


value; description; day; month; year

if (dia == "" || mes == "" || ano == "") 
  ERRO erro = new ERRO();
} else {
  using(StreamReader lerentrada = new StreamReader(@ "escreveentrada.txt"))

    string[] leitor = lerentrada.ReadLine().Split(';');
    if (leitor[0] != null) 
      while ((leitor[0] = lerentrada.ReadLine()) != null) 
        if (leitor[2] == TDia.Text) 
          if (leitor[3] == Tmes.Text)
            if (leitor[4] == Tano.Text) 
              TRelatorio.AppendText($ "{leitor}{Environment.NewLine}");
    } else {

asked by anonymous 17.08.2018 / 19:30

2 answers


I think the problem is in your while.

In the excerpt:

while ((leitor[0] = lerentrada.ReadLine()) != null) 

You are placing all the line reading of the file in the first position of the vector (position 0), but soon after you compare the positions 1,2 and 3 of the vector. As it stands, only the position [0] of the reader vector is being updated.

Change the code as below and it should work.

while ((leitor[] = lerentrada.ReadLine().Split(',')) != null)
27.08.2018 / 20:59

The problem is how you read the information.

I think that way you can get there:

if (dia == "" || mes == "" || ano == "") 
    ERRO erro = new ERRO();
    using(StreamReader lerentrada = new StreamReader(@ "escreveentrada.txt"))
        string linha = string.Empty;

        while ((linha = lerentrada.ReadLine()) != null) 
            string[] leitor = linha.Split(';');

            if(leitor[0].Length == 0)

            if (leitor[2] == TDia.Text && leitor[3] == Tmes.Text && leitor[4] == Tano.Text)
31.08.2018 / 15:00