I can not seem to make the comparison with the data in the notebook. This data is entered all inline and separated by; In short, enter
value; description; day; month; year
if (dia == "" || mes == "" || ano == "")
ERRO erro = new ERRO();
} else {
using(StreamReader lerentrada = new StreamReader(@ "escreveentrada.txt"))
string[] leitor = lerentrada.ReadLine().Split(';');
if (leitor[0] != null)
while ((leitor[0] = lerentrada.ReadLine()) != null)
if (leitor[2] == TDia.Text)
if (leitor[3] == Tmes.Text)
if (leitor[4] == Tano.Text)
TRelatorio.AppendText($ "{leitor}{Environment.NewLine}");
} else {