I am having the problem in a search I made in that user filter content by district and county, it works fine when I choose district and county without accents but when I choose a district and a county that contains accents does not give me any values I would like how do I resolve a situation?
$result_categoria = mysql_query("select * from categorias_estabelecimentos where categoria_slug='".$categoria."'");
while($row_categoria = mysql_fetch_object($result_categoria)){
$result_local=mysql_query("select * from estabelecimentos where id='".$row_categoria->estabelecimento_id."' and distritos='".$distritos."' and concelhos='".$concelhos."' and activo=1");
$result_anexo_local=mysql_query("select * from estabelecimentos_anexos where id_mae='".$row_local->id."' and seccao='thumbnail'");