Good evening;
I have some centos Web servers that write session to a memcached server, but in the logs this is a warning message that I can not define the reason since the Mencached server itself does not give the error only shows the session hashs starting and ending , but in the error log of php the following message appears:
* [error] 743 # 0: 1370368 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP CONNECTION FAILURE (Connection refused), host: mencache1: 11211 - > libmemcached / 156 in Unknown on line 0 PHP message: PHP Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (memcached). Please, verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (unknown) on Unknown 0 "while reading upstream, client:, request:" POST ... / bsc_etapa.php HTTP / 1.1 ", upstream : "fastcgi: // 9000", host: "", referrer: " link
The Web Server has Nginx applications with PHP 7.0 and the nemcached1 Server is in memcached version 1.4.
The php-fpm session.save_path settings are configured as follows:
php_value[session.save_handler] = memcached
php_value[session.save_path] = memcached1:11211
php_value[memcached.sess_binary_protocol] = 0
php_value[memcached.sess_lock_expire] = 15
php_value[memcached.sess_locking] = 0
The memcached module is on the WEB server
php -m memcached memcached
memcached is started with the following settings:
/usr/bin/memcached -u memcached -p 11211 -m 8096 -c 6096 -l memcached1 -I 20 -vvv
Would anyone have an idea of what it could be?