Facebook Graph API does not return photo comments


I'm developing an application that consumes the Facebook API Graph to use your photos and their comments. The entire process works perfectly, from logging in via Facebook and retrieving the access token until the photos are returned. But the problem starts when when I try to retrieve the comments from these photos, that even though I know that these photos have comments, having configured all necessary permissions (user_posts, user_photos) and using the routes correctly, the api does not return them .

URI that I use to get feedback from comments:


Return the API gives me about the route:

{"data": [],"paging":{"cursors": {"before":"QVF...",
     "after": "QVF..."}}}

The "date" field in JSON is where it should contain the comments data of the photo.

Edit 1: After a while, I saw that there are some comments returned, but they are just mine. Those of my friends are the ones that do not yet appear.

asked by anonymous 24.08.2018 / 15:05

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