HTTPReqResp - Return even with error


I am making a connection to a server by Delphi Xe8 using the HTTPReqResp component, where I send an XML and I get the return.

It is working correctly on my computer. However, when I run the test on our test computer here in the company, sometimes (this kills !!!!) the "BEX" (Buffer Overflow Exception) error occurs and closes the application.

The code point that gives the error is commented below:

HTTPReqResp.UseUTF8InHeader := True;

HTTPReqResp.ConnectTimeout := 60000; // retirar ou colocar essas duas linhas
HTTPReqResp.ReceiveTimeout := 60000; // de timeout não fazem a diferença

HTTPReqResp.Execute(sXml, tRet); // Aqui ocorre o erro às vezes

I know the error occurs at the moment of communication and is not due to programming error.

I would like to do the following: put some command where, through my application, it could continue executing the code even if Windows gave this error "BEX", because when it gives, it closes the program. Is it possible?

asked by anonymous 29.08.2018 / 21:57

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