Specify the size of a property in a Class that inherits TRemotable SOAP


I made a standalone SOAP WebService.

I created a Class(TRemotable) :

TFornecedor = Class(TRemotable)
      Fsistema : Integer;
      Facao : AnsiString;
      Fcodigo : AnsiString;
      FFantasia : AnsiString;
      property cd_sistema : Integer read Fcd_sistema write Fcd_sistema;
      property tx_acao : AnsiString tread Ftx_acao write Ftx_acao;
      property cd_codigo : AnsiString read Fcd_codigo write Fcd_codigo;
      property Fantasia: AnsiString read FFantasia write FFantasia ;

No problem, but I do not know how to tell the size of each field. Type ... field Facao is varchar 3 , Ffantasia is varchar 35 .

Theoretically (I say theoretically because I do not dominate SOAP ) I have to inform the sizes for the future client that consume .WSDL to visualize the types and sizes and to be able to make its implementation.

If it were a "normal" application (without being SOAP ) I would make the following code and would function normally:


  TFacao = String[3];
  TFcodigo = String[10];
  TFFantasia = String[35];

  TFornecedor = Class(TRemotable)
      Fcd_sistema : Integer;
      Ftx_acao : TFacao;
      Fcd_codigo : TFcodigo;
      Ftx_razaosocial : TFFantasia;   
      property cd_sistema : Integer read Fcd_sistema write Fcd_sistema;
      property tx_acao : TFacao read Ftx_acao write Ftx_acao;
      property cd_codigo : TFcodigo read Fcd_codigo write Fcd_codigo;
      property tx_razaosocial : TFFantasia read Ftx_razaosocial write Ftx_razaosocial;

However, doing so in a SOAP application, when the client takes the .WSDL , when implementing, it does not display the field size information. Actually even error because TFacao , TFcodigo and TFFantasia do not appear in .WSDL . And when it (he = I = made a client application and after importing .WSDL into the browser, I had to declare the types TFacao , TFCodigo and TFFantasia ) send the provider with a length greater than allowed gives error.

I know I could treat in the service at the time of adding the record:

Qy_Fornecedor.ParamByName('acao').AsString:= Copy(TFornecedor.Tx_Acao,1,3)

But taking some .WSDL on the net I saw this as follows (the code below has been rewritten for the fields I have):

  <s:simpleType name="sistema">
    <s:restriction base="s:integer">
      <s:minLength value="1"/>
      <s:maxLength value="2"/>
  <s:simpleType name="acao">
    <s:restriction base="s:string">
      <s:enumeration value="ADD"/>
      <s:enumeration value="DEL"/>
      <s:enumeration value="CHG"/>
   <s:simpleType name="fantasia">
    <s:restriction base="s:string">
      <s:minLength value="1"/>
      <s:maxLength value="35"/>

So, my question actually is:

How can I tell the type and size of the fields in a class TRemotable SOAP to the future client How do I download the .WSDL view them as the example just above?

asked by anonymous 03.09.2018 / 17:11

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