Angular SocketIo - Does not give error, but does not work


Good night, I'm trying to get the data in realtime with socketIO, but it does not work. Via console is sending and sending from the backend, but I can not show in the frontend nor does it show any information receiving data.

tickets:any[] = [];//Tentei via Ticket(model) também
  ticket:any = {};// tentei só usando ticket;
  domain = environment.domain;
  private socket;
   ngOnInit(): void{
        this.ticketService.getTickets().subscribe(data => { = data;
        this.socket = io(this.domain);
        // Receive Added Ticket
        this.socket.on('TicketAdded', (data) => {
          console.log('TicketAdded: ', (data.ticket));
asked by anonymous 11.09.2018 / 04:14

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