C ++ - Set and remove specific bits from a single


I'm developing a Gameboy emulator and one of the tasks is to set the flags after each statement:


    //Representa pares de registradores do gameboy
    union RegPair {

        std::uint16_t reg;
        struct pair
            std::uint8_t lo;
            std::uint8_t hi;


    struct Registers{

        RegPair AF, BC, DE, HL;
        std::uint16_t SP, PC;



Gameboy flagset


//Define as flags do processador
#define FLAG_ZERO_FLAG      7
#define FLAG_HALF_CARRY     5
#define FLAG_CARRY_FLAG     4
#define FLAG_NONE           0


Loggers initialization:


    reg.AF.reg = 0x01B0;
    reg.BC.reg = 0x0013;
    reg.DE.reg = 0x00D8;
    reg.HL.reg = 0x014D;
    reg.SP = 0xFFFE;
    reg.PC = 0x0000;    //Ponto de entrada também pode ser 0x100


I'm going to use the example of opcode 0xD that sends Decrement register C, opcodes table can be found here :

void CPU::DEC8(std::uint8_t& target, int cyclesToUpdate)
    cycles += cyclesToUpdate;

    if (target == 0) {
        wxLogDebug("ZERO FLAG OCORREU");
        reg.AF.p.lo |= FLAG_ZERO_FLAG;



It turns out that if a zero flag does not occur I have to specifically reset the flag zero, and it may also occur to add the half carry flag, and if it does not reset its position, I found that response at stackoverflow but I found it a bit confusing, for example, when passing a parameter to fstream:

("filename", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary) 

It seems to be something simpler than the way it is in the answer.

asked by anonymous 05.09.2018 / 16:05

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