Move a great website Wordpress itself to [closed]


I would like some help to move a large 11-year site with 38 Gb storage for I found some instructions in the official help database, but I'm not sure we can track them without losing data.

asked by anonymous 15.10.2018 / 15:28

1 answer


If the website has a control panel of the genre CPanel you can make a backup through it. In this backup will have the BD, emails and all included in the folder public_html. After that, it will be enough to import the backup into the destination server and in this case the "Cpanel" will restore the backup.

If the destination server does not have a control panel, it is best to use mysql in cli mode and import the database there.

This will require ssh access to the server.

Here is an example of importing the database: mysql -h nomedoservidor -u utilizador -p basedados < ficheiro.sql

For all other files (public_html, among others) you can easily transfer them by FTP.

Another solution:

There is a wordpress plugin that generates a backup file for easy import into another wordpress installation.

Plugin: All-in-One WP Migration

The operation of the plugin is quite simple, just install the plugin on the site to back up and then create a new installation of wordpress on the destination server and import the backup file generated previously. It's fairly simple, but I think from a certain amount of information the plugin requires a paid version or something of the genre. Now it's up to you to see if it's worth buying.

I have used this plugin for several sites because it allows to make the change from a test domain to the final domain, the plugin itself re-creates the urls for whatever they wish.

15.10.2018 / 15:47