Good morning, I am putting together a business proposal with delphi where I have defined some fields in a word document that will be replaced by the fields taken from the database. But at the time of passing parameters, it only prints a single item in the document, and I'd like to know how to make it do the same procedure for "n" items that there might be in a proposal. The code snippet that does this transfer is:
with stpExtracao do
while not eof do
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@ITEM', ReplaceWith := FieldByName('cd_item_consulta').AsString);
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@FANTASIA', ReplaceWith := FieldByName('nm_fantasia_produto').Value);
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@DESCRICAO_PRODUTO', ReplaceWith:= FieldByName('nm_produto').Value);
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@CODIGO_CLIENTE', ReplaceWith := FieldByName('nm_fantasia_prod_cliente').Value);
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@NCM', ReplaceWith := FieldByName('ncm').Value);
Doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:='@ITEM', ReplaceWith := FieldByName('cd_item_consulta').AsString);