I have the following array:
[mode] => default
[method] => boleto
[sender] => Array(
[name] => Fulano Silva
[email] => [email protected]
[phone] => Array
[areaCode] => 11
[number] => 30380000
[documents] => Array
[document] => Array
[type] => CPF
[value] => 11475714734
[hash] => abc1234
[currency] => BRL
[notificationURL] => https://sualoja.com.br/notificacao
[items] => Array
[id] => 1
[description] => Descricao do item a ser vendido
[quantity] => 2
[amount] => 1.00
[extraAmount] => 1
[reference] => R123456
[shipping] => Array
[address] => Array
[street] => Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima
[number] => 1384
[complement] => 1 andar
[district] => Jardim Paulistano0
[city] => Sao Paulo
[state] => SP
[country] => BRA
[postalCode] => 01452002
[type] => 3
[cost] => 0.00
And I use the following method in a class:
public function convertArrayXml() {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<payment/>');
foreach($this->payment as $chave => $item)
$subNo = $xml->addChild($chave);
array_to_xml($item, $subNo);
} else {
return $xml->asXML();
This method has the function to convert the array to an xml, however it is presenting me with an error: [500]: / - Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function array_to_xml() in /var/www/html/sandbox/pagseguroTransparente/pagSeguroTransparenteBoleto.php:109 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/sandbox/pagseguroTransparente/index.php(41): pagSeguroTransparenteBoleto->convertArrayXml() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/sandbox/pagseguroTransparente/pagSeguroTransparenteBoleto.php on line 109
Someone who has been through this can tell me how to solve the problem?