Good afternoon everyone, I started an internship and they gave me an ecommerce to move, it has CodeIgniter (I had never moved) and a library called ion auth (for login) but when I log in it sets the session correctly, when I go for the user panel where I need the session to identify the user the session appears as NULL, can someone give me a light?
if ($password === TRUE)
if ($user->active == 0)
return FALSE;
// echo '<pre>';print_r($user);echo'</pre>';
if ($remember && $this->config->item('remember_users', 'ion_auth'))
$this->trigger_events(array('post_login', 'post_login_successful'));
return TRUE;
When it enters this code in the controller it appears to $ _SESSION ['user_id'] as NULL
$idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$qtdPedidos = count($this->produtoscliente_model->getQtdPedidosCliente($idUser));
$qtdProdutos = $this->produtoscliente_model->getQtdProdutosCliente($idUser);