Angular - Date Picker does not update the selected month


I am developing a calendar in my application in Angular 5.

  <my-date-range-picker *ngIf="this.opened && view=='date'" class="date_picker" [options]="date_picker" [(ngModel)]="this.model"

I make the ngModule update in the application, but the calendar when it closes and reopens does not update the month I choose, always shows the current month.

date_picker = {
  showClearBtn: false,
  showApplyBtn: false,
  showSelectDateText: false,
  componentDisabled: false,
  markCurrentDay: true,
  showWeekNumbers: true,
  inline: true,
  firstDayOfWeek: 'mo',
  disableUntil: { year: 1990, month: 1, day: 1 }
asked by anonymous 24.09.2018 / 18:41

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