Two lists in the same dataTable to work the data

<rich:dataTable border="0" id="listaMateriais" value="#{atendimentoManutencaoMaterialAction.requisicaoManutencaoDetalhe.listaProdutosManutencao}"  var="cur" styleClass="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed" rows="10" >

Suppose I want to work two lists, one to work the exact value that came from the bank and another to handle the views. Because if I do, it does not work right. For example, in an order by. How do I do? I want to execute rules of the type: if it is filled, it locks. If you do not come, just type. But as it is typing and gives the orderBy in the column, it gets disabled. Being that is based only on the value of the bean and not on what came.

asked by anonymous 24.09.2018 / 23:07

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