I made a report in Rmarkdown that, after a Windows update, it changed all the accents by other characters. The main issue would be reading the external files. But there is a part that I need to read some 'csv's', which before the encoding "ISO-8859-1" worked perfectly, but now it does not work either. Below the reading code:
arquivosRREO <- lapply(arquivosRREOLista, function(x)
arquivos <- read_delim(x,";", escape_double = FALSE, locale = locale(decimal_mark = ",", grouping_mark = ".", encoding = "ISO-8859-1", asciify = TRUE),
trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 5)
arquivos <- arquivos %>% filter(UF=="RJ")
The only event that happened the last time I generated the files for now was an update of windows 10. Do I have to go testing encoding for enconding until one works? And if you find one, is there any way to prevent outside events from messing with it?