RMarkdown with accents changed


I made a report in Rmarkdown that, after a Windows update, it changed all the accents by other characters. The main issue would be reading the external files. But there is a part that I need to read some 'csv's', which before the encoding "ISO-8859-1" worked perfectly, but now it does not work either. Below the reading code:

arquivosRREO <- lapply(arquivosRREOLista, function(x)
  arquivos <- read_delim(x,";", escape_double = FALSE, locale = locale(decimal_mark = ",", grouping_mark = ".", encoding = "ISO-8859-1", asciify = TRUE),
                         trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 5)
  arquivos <- arquivos %>% filter(UF=="RJ")


The only event that happened the last time I generated the files for now was an update of windows 10. Do I have to go testing encoding for enconding until one works? And if you find one, is there any way to prevent outside events from messing with it?

asked by anonymous 26.09.2018 / 20:51

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