Group SQL results by date


So, I have a table that registers the login of the players, all the values in unix timestamp, and I wanted to know how I can know the day when there were more records, and adding the total, the day that there were more SEG_Online , AJ_Envadas and LVL_Upado.


asked by anonymous 07.10.2018 / 20:47

1 answer


To group by date and add columns seg_online, aj_envadas and lvl_upado, just do the following:

select from_unixtime(ts_sessao, '%d/%m/%Y') data, sum(seg_online) seg_online, 
sum(aj_enviadas) aj_enviadas , sum(lvl_upado) lvl_upado
from logins
group by data;


| data       | seg_online | aj_enviadas | lvl_upado |
| 07/10/2018 |        105 |           7 |         9 |
| 08/10/2018 |        220 |           3 |         4 |

Now, to get the maximum value of each column, make a select looking for the date and the value of the desired column.

select, max(aux.lvl_upado) quantidade_lvl_upado from (
select from_unixtime(ts_sessao, '%d/%m/%Y') data, sum(seg_online) seg_online, 
sum(aj_enviadas) aj_enviadas , sum(lvl_upado) lvl_upado
from logins
group by data) aux;


| data       | quantidade_lvl_upado |
| 07/10/2018 |                    9 |

To know the other columns, just change the column aux.lvl_upado in line 1 to the column you want.

08.10.2018 / 21:17