Good afternoon,
Printing notes on my system in Java, is breaking some lines in certain notes. Printing is done by converting from XML to PDF, using Jasper to build the report, but in some notes, it is missing the Recipient section and tax calculation. The two XMLs are identical, with no missing fields, but they generate the results listed below.
JRXmlDataSource ds = null;
ds = new JRXmlDataSource(doc, "/nfeProc/NFe/infNFe/det");
Map<String, Object> param = getFaturas(doc);
param.put("Logo", diretorioImagenLogo);
JasperPrint print = null;
print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(caminhoRelatorio + File.separator + "danfeR.jasper", param, ds);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(print));
exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput(baos));
return new ByteArrayInputStream (baos.toByteArray ());