How to use the 'len' function in a python template - Flask


I have an AppWeb in python-Flask that I would like to show the number of players online, but I'm kind of lost in this part I already tried {% len (data)%} and {% data | length%} and neither method had result. if anyone can help me in that part.

Note: the variable "date" brings me a json dictionary of the game's serving.


    <title>Infinite Fight Brasil</title>    
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}">

    {% extends "bootstrap/base.html" %}
        {% block  content %}

        <div id="carregando" class="center" align="center">
            <br><br><iframe src='' width='80%'height='500px' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>

        <div id="quant">
            <h2> No momento a xxx online nesse momento.</h2>


        <div class="container">
            <table id="customers">
                    <th>DEP - ARR</th>

                {% for i in range(930) %}
                    {% if "IFBR" in data[i]["DisplayName"] %}
                        <td>{{"{0:.0f} ft".format (data[i]["Altitude"])}}</td>
                        <td>{{"{0:.0f} kts".format (data[i]['Speed'])}}</td>
                        <td>Expert Server</td>                    

                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endblock %}


part of flask

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
from models.database import BancoDados

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html',

if __name__ == '__main__':
asked by anonymous 13.10.2018 / 21:15

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