Save compressed file to another directory


I have this function that does .zip of the current folder to save. But I want it to be saved in the backup folder.

$data = date("d_m_y");
$exten = ""; // Nome final com extensão

class Zipper extends ZipArchive 
    public function Compact($cwd) {
        $open = opendir($cwd);
        while($folder = readdir($open))
            if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..')
                if (is_dir($cwd.'/'.$folder))
                    $dir = str_replace('./', '',($cwd.'/'.$folder));    
                elseif (is_file($cwd.'/'.$folder))
                    $arq = str_replace('./', '',$cwd.'/'.$folder);                      

$zip = new Zipper();
if ($zip->open($data.$exten, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true){
asked by anonymous 21.11.2014 / 14:21

1 answer


The directory where you want to save must be passed as a parameter when opening the file:

Example: ./backup/

$diretorio = "./backup/";
$zip->open($diretorio.$data.$exten, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)

Remembering that we can use the getcwd () function to get the current directory:

$diretorio = getcwd() . "/backup/";
$zip->open($diretorio.$data.$exten, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)
21.11.2014 / 14:31