Posts on separate pages in Wordpress


Hello! I want to separate my posts in selected pages from the site and not just the page destined for the posts. I know that we can separate posts by categories, but I would like to separate by pages, I have two pages and different categories on the ex site:

  • Page 1: Cars

    • Category 1: cars from Brasilia
    • Category 2: São Paulo cars
  • Page 2: Motorcycles

    • Category 1: Brasilia Motorcycles
    • Category 2: São Paulo Motorcycle
  • When I post on page 1, category 1, this post should not be linked to the posts that were posted on page 2, category 1.

    I hope it was clear.

    Thank you!

    asked by anonymous 13.10.2018 / 04:04

    0 answers