Function "= SE" with "to" Excel only works in column? but I did not proceed online


In a small table, I inserted the "= if" function with the ":", but it only works if I put the numbers with their respective colored beads in a column, when I specify what I want from the cells = if (A23 : C23 = 2; $ D $ 20) the result is not "waiting", but when I put cells "A23" to "C23" in columns, the result comes out correctly (waiting), how do I specify the cell " A23 "to" C23 "??

asked by anonymous 17.10.2018 / 20:44

1 answer


If by =SE(A23:C23=2;$D$20) you mean: check that all values are equal to 2 . So this will always be invalid, unless the sequence is in the same column and even then it will only check if A23 is equal to 2 , ignoring all other values. A correct formula for this would be =SE(CONT.SE(A23:C23;2)=CONT.VALORES(A23:C23);$D$20)

22.10.2018 / 16:38