To override a property defined in the POM use the parâmetro -D
typical of any Java application when invoking mvn
For example to deploy assets shared by applications to a TEST directory:
mvn -P deployShared package -Dshared_dir=/usr/local/Cellar/tomcat/7.0.47/shared
In this example we are overwriting shared_dir during the package phase. This variable is used by the deployShared profile defined in the POM to copy the files to the Tomcat environment (version 7.0.47) used for Test .
The same POM can be used to deploy to the Homologation environment as follows:
mvn -P deployShared package -Dshared_dir=/usr/local/tomcat-7.0.47-homolog/shared
And so on.
The profile deployShared
uses maven-dependency-plugin
and looks like this: