How to insert custom content inside a JavaScript lightBox?


Good afternoon guys, need a help, I'm learning javascript in the marra and I would like to know how to insert content (in this case a .ctp file) into this light box.

I'm using Cake PHP

Form Button

echo $this->Html->div("col-md-4", $this->Form->button($this->Bootstrap->glyphicon('send') . '  Enviar', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary'
    , 'type' => 'submit'
    , 'id' => 'btnEnviar'
    , 'title' => 'Enviar os comprovantes'
    , 'escape' => false


Function that opens the light Box

function abrirMensagemBox(title, height, width) {

$jQ = jQuery.noConflict();

    modal: true,
    height: height,
    width: width,
    title: title


Excerpt that calls this function according to a certain condition.

if(selecionou > 0 && erros ===0){
        abrirMensagemBox('Confirmar envio', 500,800)
        return false;
asked by anonymous 25.10.2018 / 19:46

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