I have a listing of Employees and each employee can have many Cost Centers.
And as far as I get information from the bank employee I need to list the cost centers and list the cost centers where the employee is registered by marking the selected as selected.
$intCentroCustoId = $this->modelo->arrComboCentroCustoFuncionario; // traz o array da listagem de centros de custo que o funcionario está cadastrado
$arrComboBar = $this->modelo->arrComboBar; // traz todos os centros de custos
/*echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';*/
echo "<select data-minlength-error='Selecione pelo menos um'
data-placeholder='Digite ou selecione' data-minlength='1'
multiple='multiple' name='arrCentroCusto[]'
class=\"js-basic-multiple form-control\" required>"; // monta a select multiplo
if(isset($arrComboBar) && !empty($arrComboBar)){ // verifica se a combo não esta vazia
echo "<option></option>";//primeiro option vazio
foreach($arrComboBar as $arrLinha){ //listagem completa dos centros de custos
foreach ($intCentroCustoId as $CC)
if($CC['id_centro_custo'] == $arrLinha['idcusto']){
echo "<option value='".$CC['id_centro_custo']."' selected>";
echo utf8_decode($arrLinha['departamento']);
echo "</option>";
echo "<option value='".$arrLinha['idcusto']."'>";
echo utf8_decode($arrLinha['departamento']);
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
My problem is that the listing gets repeated, depending on how many cost centers the employee is registered with.
How do I list all cost centers with the 3 selected and not repeated?