Deleting elements from a formgroup spoils my ngfor


My Scenario: My products have variations and each variation can have "N" attributes.

I made the addition of the variations with the formgroup array:


      atributo: "",
      preco: null,
      listaatributos: [{id: null, tipovariacao: null, valorvariacao: null}]

Note that my array lists attributes are the attributes that can have "N" for each variation.

To add a variation, I use this function:

  addVariacao(): void {

And to show in the template the added variation I use this * ngFor:

<form *ngIf="mostraVariacoes" [formGroup]="variacaoForm">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let item of variacoes.controls; let i = index;">
          <div [formGroup]="item">

My function that adds attribute in the template receives as a parameter the index of the variation that I want to add the attribute:


In my typescript it is declared as follows:

adicionaAtributo(index: number){ //Adiciona atributo no form group

    this.listAtributos.push({indexvariacaoatributo: index, id:this.idAtributo, tipovariacao: this.variacaoForm.value.variacoes[index].tipo, valorvariacao: this.variacaoForm.value.variacoes[index].atributo})
    const control = (<FormArray>this.variacaoForm.controls['variacoes']).at(index);
    control.patchValue({listaatributos: this.listAtributos});

and in my template I show it as follows:

  <div class="row">
    <div [hidden]="atributos.indexvariacaoatributo != i" *ngFor="let atributos of item.value.listaatributos;let indexatributo = index" class="col-6 col-md-4 alinhacentral animated zoomIn">
      <div *ngIf="atributos.indexvariacaoatributo == i">
      <span class="tituloAtributo">{{atributos.tipovariacao}}</span> <i (click)="removeAtributo(i,indexatributo)" class="fa fa-close iconeexcluiatributo"
      <span class="atributo">{{atributos.valorvariacao}}</span>

My problem currently lies in excluding variation. For example, I have variation 1 with the attribute:

Cor: Azul.

In variation 2 with the attribute:

Cor: Amarelo

When I call the function to exclude the variation that corresponds to the yellow color attribute, everything works fine, the first variation persists with its "Blue" attribute.

But when I exclude the first variation, the second variation fails to show the attributes.

This is my function that excludes variation:

  removeVariacao(index: number) { //Primeiro remove todos os atributos daquela variação para depois remover a variação

    for(let i=0;i<this.listAtributos.length;i++){
      if(this.listAtributos[i].indexvariacaoatributo == index){
        i--; //evita que ele ignore o próximo elemento

I think the problem is something in my ngfor to show the attributes, but I can not identify what.

If anyone can help me, I'll be grateful.

asked by anonymous 09.11.2018 / 12:49

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