I'm trying to run one shell in parallel with another:
# Consulta de Artefato
def awsArti = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${awsAccess} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${awsSecret} aws s3 ls ${awsRepo}hive-backend-messaging | cut -c 32-"
# Shell (Obs. Estou tentando concatenar no fim do shell)
sh "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${awsAccess} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${awsSecret} aws s3 rm ${awsRepo}"+$(awsArti)
Only you are presenting the following error:
+ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... aws s3 rm s3://.../developer/02/null
fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key "developer/02/null" does not exist