CNAB240 RETURN - how do I connect the tips between the U and J segments?



I followed all the documentation provided (and I even went to the Febraban site to confirm technical details), but in the end it was a problem that I just did not understand how to solve.

The T (record) segment contains our internal identifier / number for each title, and the most obvious one is that I expected to find in the U (settlement) the same field to use as a bridge between events, but simply has values in the U record, there is no mere reference to the title that has been settled.

What is the magic to connect the tips?

Here's an example, visually I know there are two parts of the same record (test value 2.00 I did), but see that the U record has nothing but values:

BoletoCNAB240Detalhe Object ( [c_banco] => 001 [c_lote] => 0001 [c_registro] => 3 [c_sequencia] => 00001 [c_segmento] => T [c_cnab] => [p_movimento] => 02 [p_agencia] => 01744 [p_dvagencia] => 2 [p_conta] => 000000107374 [p_dvconta] => 5 [p_dvagenciaconta] => [p_titulo] => 30998050000022031 [p_carteira] => 7 [p_numdoc] => [p_vencimento] => 21112018 [p_valor] => 000000000000200 [p_banco] => 001 [p_recebedora] => 00301 [p_dvrecebora] => 8 [p_tituloIdentificador] => [p_codigoMoeda] => 09 [p_valorTarifa] => 000000000000100 [p_rejeicao] => 0000000000 [p_cnab] => 00000000000000000 [v_juros] => [v_desconto] => [v_abatimento] => [v_iof] => [v_pago] => [v_liquidoCredito] => [v_outrasDespesas] => [v_outrosCreditos] => [v_data] => [v_dataCredito] => ) 

Here is the settlement of this title in the same file / batch:

BoletoCNAB240Detalhe Object ( [c_banco] => 001 [c_lote] => 0001 [c_registro] => 3 [c_sequencia] => 00006 [c_segmento] => U [c_cnab] => [p_movimento] => 06 [p_agencia] => [p_dvagencia] => [p_conta] => [p_dvconta] => [p_dvagenciaconta] => [p_titulo] => [p_carteira] => [p_numdoc] => [p_vencimento] => [p_valor] => [p_banco] => [p_recebedora] => [p_dvrecebora] => [p_tituloIdentificador] => [p_codigoMoeda] => [p_valorTarifa] => [p_rejeicao] => [p_cnab] => [v_juros] => 000000000000000 [v_desconto] => 000000000000000 [v_abatimento] => 000000000000000 [v_iof] => 000000000000000 [v_pago] => 000000000000200 [v_liquidoCredito] => 000000000000000 [v_outrasDespesas] => 000000000000000 [v_outrosCreditos] => 000000000000000 [v_data] => 05112018 [v_dataCredito] => 07112018 ) 
asked by anonymous 10.11.2018 / 19:32

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