Help in JavaScript contact list program


I have to make a simple JavaScript program that will show the user's contact list and will allow it to insert a new contact, as in the image below and the description of the problem is as follows: Each contact should have a first and last name The program will handle an array of contacts and offer the user a choice of the two features:

  • View each contact

  • Quit

  • The program should run until the user chooses to exit. It should also use objects to manage contacts.

    Two initial contacts to put in the program are: John Smith Jane Doe

    I started studying JS a short time ago and I'm having a hard time knowing where to create objects and how to handle the names / surnames in the Array to show if the user chooses the list of contacts.

    asked by anonymous 08.11.2018 / 18:51

    1 answer


    Below is an example I took from here , it will not work here because of security issues as it is a sandbox but if you put in a local file it will work perfectly.

    Take a look at the code, I know the example is quite complex for you, but it's a good way for you to exercise your ability to interpret code.

    Any questions I am available, and good studies.

    //contact array
    contacts = [];
    function Person(firstName, lastName, contactDetails){
    	this.first 		= firstName || "Entre com o primeiro nome: ";
    	this.last 		= lastName || "Entre com o último nome: "; 	= contactDetails || "Entre com os detalhes: ";
    function userInput( inputs ){
    	for(ui in inputs){
    			 var iData = prompt( inputs[ui],"");
    		}while( iData.length==0);
    		inputs[ui] = iData;
    	return inputs;
    // Pede o pin de segurança salvo no local storage
    if( !localStorage.getItem("secure") ){
    	localStorage.setItem("secure",prompt("Defina um pin de segurança")); 
    function process( fm ){
    	var action = isNaN( fm ) ? fm.getAttribute("data-button") : fm;
    	console.log("> "+(fm.value || fm) +" : " + action);
    	switch( action - 0 ){
    		case 0:// Carregamento
    			if( localStorage.getItem("contacts-list") ) contacts = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("contacts-list"));
    	case 1: // Listar contatos
    		if( contacts.length ){
    		for(var str="",c=0; c<contacts.length; c++){
    			str += (c+1) + ".";
    				for( cd in contacts[c] ){
    					str += "[" + cd + "]: " + contacts[c][cd] + "\t";
    				str += "\r\n";
    			str = "Sem registros";
    		target.display.value = str;
    	case 2: // adiciona uma nova pessoa
    		contacts.push( userInput( new Person() ) );
    	case 3: // remove uma pessoa
    			target.display.value = "É necessário permissão de admin para deletar...\r\n\r\nInsira o código\r\n";
    			var code = prompt("Code");
    				var n = prompt("Insira o número do registro que você quer deletar :") - 1;
    				var c = confirm("Contato: " + (n+1) +" : "+contacts[n].first+" "+contacts[n].last+"\r\n"+contacts[n].contact+"\r\nSerá removido");
    				if( c ) contacts.splice( n,1);
    	case 4: // limpa a tela
    			target.display.value = defaultDisplay;
    	case 5: // salva 
    			target.display.value = "saved";
    			var save = JSON.stringify( contacts );
    			process(0); // carrega os dados.
    			process(1); // mostra os dados
    	case 6:// Mudar o pin
    		target.display.value = "Necessita login de administrador...\r\n\r\nEntre com o código\r\n";
    			var code = prompt("Code");
    			var str = "not ";
    						var a = prompt("Insira o novo pin:");
    						var b = prompt("Re-digite o pin:");
    					}while( a!=b);
    				str = "";
    				target.display.value = "Pin "+str+" alterado";
    window.onload = function(){
    	target = document.forms.contacts;
    	defaultDisplay = target.display.value;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Lista de contatos</title>
    	<form name="contacts" action="javascript:;" >
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Load" data-button="0" onclick="process( this );"><br>
    		<textarea name="display" cols="80" rows="20">Bem vindo!</textarea><br>
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Mostrar contatos" data-button="1" onclick="process( this );">
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Adicionar" data-button="2" onclick="process( this );">
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Remover" data-button="3" onclick="process( this );">
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Limpar tela" data-button="4" onclick="process( this );">
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Salvar" data-button="5" onclick="process( this );">
    		<input name="action" type="button" value="Mudar Pin" data-button="6" onclick="process( this );">
    08.11.2018 / 19:24