Is there a function that returns if there is an active internet connection? I say, not only the network card connected, but an active connection.
Is there a function that returns if there is an active internet connection? I say, not only the network card connected, but an active connection.
This solution is with API call and depends on specific DLLs. Another solution is to use the INET component and code like this:
Wresposta = Inet1.OpenURL("")
if Wresposta = "" then
msgbox("Fora da NET")
Private Declare Function Ping Lib "iphlpapi" _
Alias "#65" (ByVal pInternetProtocol As Long, pNumberOfCalls As Long, _
ByVal pMaxNumberOfCalls As Long, lTime As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ConvertStringToIP Lib "wsock32" _
Alias "#10" (ByVal stoip As String) As Long
Function MyPing(sIPAddr As String) As Boolean
Dim IP As Long, pNumCalls As Long, lTime As Long
IP = ConvertStringToIP(sIPAddr)
MyPing = (Ping(IP, pNumCalls, 15, lTime) = 1): End Function
'Chamando a Função'
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Result As Boolean: Result = MyPing("")
If Result = True Then
MsgBox "OK"
MsgBox "Não Respondeu": End If
End Sub