How to use attributes of a subclass of an abstract class?


I have the following scenario: an abstract class "ListItem" and the "HeadingItem" and "Contact" classes.

The relationship between them is as follows:

    abstract class ListItem{


    class HeadingItem implements ListItem{
      String heading;

    class Contact implements ListItem{


      String id;
      String name;
      String email;
      String phone;


I have created the following scenario, where I create a List<ListItem> mixedList containing objects of type "Contact" and type "HeadingItem":

void funcao(){

    List<ListItem> mixedList;

In possession of this List<ListItem> mixedList , I execute the following iteration:

void funcao(){
    for(int i = 0 ; i < mixedList.length ; i++){
          if(mixedList[i] is Contact){

The compiler neither compiles, stating "The getter 'name'isn't defined for the class ListItem".

From my point of view this should not happen, since there is a code from the flutter docs itself that creates a similar scenario.

Given this result, I attempted a casting, where the compiler no longer acknowledges error in mixedList[i].name but in the debug window it does not even appear any print:

void funcao(){
        for(int i = 0 ; i < mixedList.length ; i++){
              if(mixedList[i] is Contact){
                print((mixedList[i] as Contact).name);

Given all this, I ask how do I use mixedList[i].name ?

asked by anonymous 09.11.2018 / 23:39

1 answer


Assign the value of mixedList[i] to a variable before if , as

final item = mixedList[i];

The item will have type as dynamic , and will be set at runtime.

22.11.2018 / 19:27