Show card only when it has attributes


I have a * ngFor that repeats cards according to the number of variations:

<ng-container *ngFor="let item of variacoes.controls; let i = index;">
      <div class="animated fadeIn col-md-3 paddingbotcard" [formGroup]="item">
         <div class="card animated fadeIn">


Within that * ngFor I have another * ngFor that repeats the attributes of this card:

<div *ngFor="let atributos of item.value.listaatributos;let indexatributo = index" class="col-6 col-md-4 alinhacentral animated zoomIn">

That is, I have the variable ngFor i which is the index of the cards. If I have 2 cards, i = 1.

I also have the ngFor index attribute variable that has the value of the number of attributes of all the cards. If you have 5 attributes, indexatribute = 4.

I'm having difficulty with how I can do to give a hidden div in my attributes when I have no attribute on that card.

To use as an auxiliary in the condition, I have the array listAttributes , which is composed as follows:

[ { "indexvariacaoatributo": 0, "id": 5, "tipovariacao": "Cor", "valorvariacao": "Azul" }, { "indexvariacaoatributo": 0, "id": 8, "tipovariacao": "Tamanho", "valorvariacao": "M" }, { "indexvariacaoatributo": 1, "id": 5, "tipovariacao": "Cor", "valorvariacao": "Azul" }, { "indexvariacaoatributo": 1, "id": 9, "tipovariacao": "Tamanho", "valorvariacao": "G" } ]

Where the indexvariance attribute tells which card that attribute is. In this case, the attribute "blue and M" belong to card 0 and the other card belongs to Blue, G.

Can anyone think of a condition for the second div to be shown only if it has attributes for that div?

asked by anonymous 12.11.2018 / 19:56

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